This Halloween, HE's coming for you! Staying in this all hallows eve? No night of fright is complete without a viewing the 1978 cult-classic film, Halloween. Directed by horror favorite, John Carpenter, and...
Lions, Tigers and Zombies, Oh My! In honor of the recent Season 5 premier of AMC Network’s hit, The Walking Dead, the FlixFling team is dedicating this Friday to all things...
Death Becomes Her Proving that anything zombie-related continues to dominate Hollywood, the newly released comedy from A24, Life After Beth, tells the story of Beth, a recently deceased 20-something who’s sudden...
This year’s most captivating romantic comedy is anything but Obvious The brainchild of writer-director, Gillian Robespierre, Obvious Child tells the story of Donna Stern, a late twenty-something stand-up comedienne with a bohemian sensibility and quirky...
Bilbo Baggin's Journey Continues The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the second film in the famed trilogy from visionary director Peter Jackson, is this week’s FridayFlix feature. Picking up where the...