This Halloween, HE's coming for you! Staying in this all hallows eve? No night of fright is complete without a viewing the 1978 cult-classic film, Halloween. Directed by horror favorite, John Carpenter, and starring a then-unknown Jamie Lee Curtis, Halloween tells the story of an escaped psychiatric patient hell-bent...
Lions, Tigers and Zombies, Oh My! In honor of the recent Season 5 premier of AMC Network’s hit, The Walking Dead, the FlixFling team is dedicating this Friday to all things zombie! With its reach spanning from movies and television to video games and graphic novels,...
Death Becomes Her Proving that anything zombie-related continues to dominate Hollywood, the newly released comedy from A24, Life After Beth, tells the story of Beth, a recently deceased 20-something who’s sudden “resurrection” begins to wreak havoc on her boyfriend and parents. In his directorial debut, Jeff...
This year’s most captivating romantic comedy is anything but Obvious The brainchild of writer-director, Gillian Robespierre, Obvious Child tells the story of Donna Stern, a late twenty-something stand-up comedienne with a bohemian sensibility and quirky sense of humor. After getting dumped by her less-than-sympathetic boyfriend and losing her job at...
Bilbo Baggin's Journey Continues The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the second film in the famed trilogy from visionary director Peter Jackson, is this week’s FridayFlix feature. Picking up where the first Hobbit adventure left off, Smaug follows Bilbo Baggins as he unites with wizard Gandalf...