07 Jun The Spirit of the Serpent: An Exploration of Earth Energy

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The spirit of the Serpent is an exploration into the Earth Energy at a circle of standing stones in Cornwall, England, known as The Merry Maidens.
Most, if not all, sacred sites were founded at special places where Earth Energy lines meet or cross as they flow above and below the ground. In this enthralling film we find that experts finally agree that many structures in the Ancient world were places for the focus of energy featuring mathematical principles found throughout Nature, with a basis in quantum physics.
For the first time, this team of experts comes together in once place to unravel the mysteries of energy, folklore and our connection to Nature herself. Metaphysical concepts once termed "fantasy" by the scientific establishment are now proven true. The amazing thing is that our ancestors were aware of these truths all along!
Discover the Spirit of the Serpent and the energy of the Earth while facing the realities of life, death, and the spirit world.