07 Jun The Fall

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Tony is skating through life as an aimless, black sheep under-achiever. He is the total opposite of his D.A. older brother Frank, who is carefully crafting a flashy campaign to become the youngest Governor in history. Then, one fateful night and with one wrong turn, Tony is arrested for the murder of a priest, a crime that seems totally unthinkable. Big brother Frank comes to his rescue, but Tony refuses to reveal his alibi for where he was at the time of the murder. Looming, is a grueling trial overseen by legendary Judge Stanley Seeban who also happens to be blind. Frank is shocked when he discovers where Tony was and with whom, but now has the crucial alibi and evidence needed to set Tony free. But when this revealing and tawdry evidence threatens to end Frank’s career and dredge up a very incriminating incident in their past, will Frank go public or let Tony take the fall?