06 Jun The Extraordinary Voyages of Jules Verne

Click here to watch The Extraordinary Voyages of Jules Verne now

The fantastic tales of adventure penned over a hundred years ago by Jules Verne still live in the minds and hearts of millions. Futuristic concepts and legendary heroes mix with crazed madmen and visions of a utopian world. And yet this incredible legacy is still misunderstood and misinterpreted.
Hundred of writers have tried desperately to analyze the writings of Jules Verne, claiming on the one hand that there is an underlying sexual message, on the other that he is guiding us towards some hidden or lost treasure. But what is the truth? Were these highly successful stories simply great works of fiction, or do they really hold a message for us today?
This film dissects the most famous Verne tales and discovers the truth. scrutinizing both the author and the meaning of his work.