22 Nov Rate & Review Your FlixFling Favorites!
Recommendations are important. Especially when it comes to discovering new movies and shows.
As part of the FlixFling community, you play a vital part in helping your fellow FlixFling fans find new stuff to watch! That’s why we’ve built in to each movie page an easy way to rate and review titles.
On each movie page, you’ll find three options on the right: “Synopsis“, “Review” and “My Review.” “Synopsis” is the default and tells you about the movie,”Review” will show any user reviews of the movie and “My Review” allows you to give the movie your own star rating and write your own review.
The “My Review” section looks like this:
At the top of this screen you’re given the option to give the movie a star rating from 1-5 stars. Simply click the number of stars you’d like to give the movie (stars will be highlighted in gold) and press “VOTE NOW” to submit stars.
Once you’ve given a star rating to the movie, you can write a short review (400 characters or less) in the box below. Once you’ve finished writing your review, press “SUBMIT” to submit your review. When your review is approved (No SPAM, please), it will be posted to “Reviews” and visible to any FlixFling user who visits that movie’s page.
Pretty neat, huh?
Head on over to FlixFling to write your first review now or read what others are saying about your FlixFling Favs!