16 Aug My Name is Jerry

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Door-to-door salesman, Jerry Arthur’s life is filled with slamming doors and low expectations. The world has lost its attraction. He is a middle-aged divorcee with an unsure and unwanted future, a daughter he has not seen or spoken to in years, a dead-end job and low self-esteem. In other words, Jerry is close to hitting rock bottom. But one day Jerry stumbles on a group of young people with their futures before them. Their energy and music reminds him that you can influence your life for the better regardless of the past… if you choose to do so. Through new and old friends alike, Jerry discovers you can move forward even when you can’t see exactly where you are going. What is "My Name is Jerry" about? As Jerry puts it, "What happened to going with your gut? My gut’s been telling me to turn things around." To change.
