30 May Bomber Boys Episode 4 “Reunion”

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As seen on PBS stations comes a new “living history” series reliving the early days of World War II. Using a unique blend of living history elements, CGI, first-person interviews and never-before-seen W.W.II footage. This dramatic four-part documentary series “Bomber Boys: The Fighting Lancaster” follows a new generation of “Bomber Boys” as they train to become a Lancaster Bomber crew.

In Episode four both generations “Bomber Boys”, the old and the new, experience the rare opportunity to fly in one of the world’s only operating Lancasters. After their momentous flight, they cross the Atlantic to visit the places the original Lucky H crew first visited when they were young. The new recruits of Baker Flight follow them on an emotional journey through Europe as they step through the looking glass to see the world through the old men’s eyes. At the Adagem aircrew cemetery in Belgium, one member of the crew from both generations Joe English and his grandson, Mathew, discover the grave of a long-lost family member while the boys discover most graves are filled with airmen their own age. And as a sad but poignant testament to the dwindling numbers of the fine men of WWII who fought for freedom, one of the original Lucky H crew passes on. The series ends as we see how much the young recruits have bonded with their grandfathers, and how much they have learned.