10 Mar 2 New For You!
This week’s FridayFlix movie picks are two drastically different films that both manage to entertain and engage audiences. The first is My Scientology Movie, the critically acclaimed Magnolia Pictures’ documentary also now in theaters. In what seems like a movie and television market saturated with Scientology-themed content, My Scientology Movie stands out with its original approach and quirky, off beat host. Less investigative and more humorous, the film is constructed around the re-creation of Scientology’s most famous “characters” and reenactment of its most notable events. Through the auditioning and casting of actors to fill the roles of Scientology leader, David Miscavige, and poster child, Tom Cruise, Host Louis Theroux and former top-level Scientologist, Marty Rathbun, create a new narrative that attempts to give the audience a peek inside the real goings-on of the controversial institution. While My Scientology Movie doesn’t reveal anything particularly new or shocking, especially to those that have followed the slew of other documentaries before it, its unique take on the subject proves to be both entertaining and enlightening.
New Life, a family-friendly drama from director Drew Waters, is our second featured film for FridayFlix. A love story in the vein of Nicholas Sparks, New Life tells the story of childhood friends-turned-lovers, Ben and Ava. Their idyllic relationship is put to the test after a traumatic event, leaving both of them questioning their future. Despite the toll this inevitably takes on their relationship, Ben and Ava persevere, proving that love really can conquer all. With its hopeful and moving message, New Life is the uplifting drama that most audiences crave.
Watch My Scientology Movie and New Life on FlixFling!
This guest blog was written by Colleen Shields.