19 Jun Father’s Day


Celebrate Father’s Day with FlixFling!

Check out some of Dad’s favorites on FlixFling this Father’s Day! With movies ranging from classic comedies to action-packed thrillers, there’s something for every special man to enjoy on this big day. Beginning with one of the most wellknown films, explore the fascinating and violent underworld of New York’s Mafia families in GoodFellas, starring Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, and Joe Pesci. Next on the list is the action thriller featuring Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler, Law Abiding Citizen. This is one must see movie about a man you definitely would not want to mess with. To lighten the mood, check out Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, and Rodney Dangerfield in- you guessed it- Caddyshack, the unforgettable slapstick movie about life on the golf course! Lastly, don’t miss the adventure of a man who seeks revenge on the human trafficking network in, Skin Trade. All four of these films are available now on FlixFling and are guaranteed to make this Father’s Day extra special!


Watch GoodFellas, Law Abiding Citizen, Caddyshack, and Skin Trade on FlixFling now.

This guest blog was written by Breelyn Starrett.